Newton Célio Becker de Moura
Associate Professor at Department of Architecture and Urbanism
Architect and Urban Planner from the Federal University of Ceará (2005) and PhD in Architecture and Urbanism, in the area of Landscape and Environment, by the Graduate program of FAU-USP (2014). Post-Doctorate in Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the USP with the theme Landscape Information Modelling (LIM). Adjunct Professor of the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Design of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Professor of the Graduate Program in Architecture, Urbanism and Design of UFC and collaborator researcher of the Digital Experience Laboratory - LED (DAUD-UFC). He has experience in the areas of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, acting mainly on the following themes: green infrastructure, information modeling applied to landscape, urban watershed restoration, open space system and stormwater management