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Cicera Sarah Moura Farias

Master's student at the Graduate Program in Architecture, Urbanism and Design


Master's student at the Graduate Program of Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the Federal University of Ceará (PPGAUD-UFC), in the line of Information Modeling and Design. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) in 2020. Was a volunteer scholar at Canto - Architecture Model Office (2015-2016) and the Tutorial Education Program (PET) of the Federal University of Ceará. Participated in the elaboration of the Integrated Plans for Land Regularization (PIRF) of the Special Zones of Social Interest of Bom Jardim, Pici and Poço da Draga in Fortaleza, CE (2019). Participated in the elaboration of the Technical and Community Diagnosis in the scope of the revision of the Master Plan of Sobral, CE (2020). Currently he is Biodiversity Manager of the Municipal Environment Agency of Sobral (AMA).He has knowledge and experiences in the areas of Urban and Landscape Planning, Information Modeling in construction and in the city, Geoprocessing and Geographic Database, Technical advice in architecture and urbanism, Urban regulation in informal settlements.




A data-driven approach to inform planning process in informal settlements

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